Your login page is seen by every user that logs on to your site. Firmex offers free branding for your Firmex site. Here is what can be branded and customized.
Your company logo
The company logo placeholder can be customized by Firmex. The logo size can be a maximum of 180px by 80px. Send your logo to Alternatively, the company logo placeholder may be left blank for anonymous projects, or it may contain the Firmex logo.
The login page’s welcome message
The “Welcome to the CapitalNextSite” header and the text below the header, as well as the color of the box containing the text, can be customized by a Site Administrator. The welcome message may contain rich text, images, and hyperlinks. To customize the welcome message:
- Log in to your Firmex site.
- Click your site’s logo. From the Projects screen, click the Settings tab.
- Click the Personalization tab.The login welcome message may be customized using Markdown syntax. Markdown syntax supports most HTML tags, including rich text (bold, emphasized, color, size), hyperlinks, and images. Please see this Markdown syntax page for usage instructions.
Note: All embedded media elements on the welcome message, such as images, must point to a secure source (e.g. HTTPS), rather than an unsecure source (e.g. HTTP).
Note: If French language localization is enabled for your site, you may enter a French language welcome message that will be displayed for users who have chosen to view Firmex in French.
Related Resources
- Customize the terminology of your project
- Firmex in French – Changing language preference
- Communicating with your users
- Adding a project logo (not a site logo)
- Embedding a Firmex login on your own website