Installing the Seclore Application

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Depending on the document protection settings set up by the Project Administrator, you may be required to install the Seclore app for PDF and Office to view documents that have been downloaded to your computer. 

Seclore is only required if the Project Administrator has certain document protection features enabled for documents you have downloaded to your computer.

Viewing documents online in Firmex VDR does NOT require any of the software below. 

Seclore Installation Instructions for Windows

  1. Ensure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed (other PDF viewers are not supported by Seclore)
  2. Download Seclore Desktop Client for PDF and Office
  3. Close Adobe Reader and any open Microsoft Office applications
  4. Install the Seclore app
  5. When prompted, enter your Firmex Username and Password
  6. Once the installation is complete, you can open the downloaded documents from the data room

Adobe Acrobat Reader Installation Instructions for Windows

Adobe Acrobat Reader (free) or Acrobat Pro is required to view downloaded Seclore-protected PDF documents on Windows. To install Adobe Acrobat Reader:

  1. Go to
  2. Download Acrobat Reader
  3. Run the installer and follow the installation steps

Seclore Installation Instructions for Mac

  1. Download Seclore Lite App for PDF and Office
  2. Open the Seclore Lite.dmg file and run the Seclore Lite Installation Launcher
  3. When prompted to change your default browser, click Change Browser (this will not change your default browser for regular web browsing)
  4. When prompted to give Seclore Disk Access, click Open Settings and turn on the toggle next to Seclore Lite Main
  5. Once the installation is complete, you can open the downloaded documents from the data room

Troubleshooting the New Seclore App

See this article for troubleshooting tips.

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