Q. Is there a size limit to the attachments I send?
Yes, the size limit is determined by your email provider. The majority of email providers limit attachments to 15MB in size, though your provider’s limit may vary. To send large documents, please use the Firmex website.

Q. Can I add multiple documents at once?
Yes, each attachment will be added to the designated folder as long as the user has the appropriate permission to add the documents.

Q. Can I add documents to multiple folders with one email?
Yes, each attachment to the email will be added to the appropriate folders corresponding to the email address used.

Q. If I reply to a user and add the Email In address will the document upload to Firmex?
No, the system will only upload attachments on original and forwarded emails

Q. Can I use the CC or BCC email address lines?
Yes. The To: CC: and BCC: fields will be honoured. 

Q. Will the message body text of my email be uploaded as well as the attachements?
No, only attachments will be uploaded.

Q. If I email in a zip archive will Firmex unpack the files and place them in the designated folder?
No, the zip file will be uploaded into the folder.

Q. What if a file with a virus is emailed into Firmex?
Email In attachments will be scanned for viruses like a standard Firmex upload.

Q. What name shows up in the Uploaded By column for a document that was emailed in?
The name of the authenticated user that sent or forwarded the email shows up in the Uploaded By column. The sender’s email is displayed in the Exported Directory Listing.

Q. What happens if someone sends in a duplicate document?
Email In respects the existing Firmex duplicates and versioning rules.

Q. Will the images from a email footer (company logos) be uploaded?
No, inline attachments (logos, signatures, images in the body of the email) are ignored.

Q. Can I email in from my home email account?
The email address you send from must directly correspond to the address used for your Firmex account.

Q. How will a user know that the email in upload was successful?
The system will send an email letting the user who submitted the email know that the files sent were successful. For each location associated with a email address, the site, project and folder name will be confirmed as a location. The specific document filenames will not be listed.

Q. How will a user know that the email in upload was unsuccessful?
The system will send an email letting the user who submitted the email know that the files sent were not uploaded. No specification of the site, project and folder name will be provided in the failure notification. 

Q. If a document is emailed in to a folder will users be notified?
Yes, a document emailed in will respect the same rules within Firmex as one uploaded via another method.

Q. Does the user have to log in to the Firmex website prior to being able to email a document into a project?
No, users do not have to log in to the Firmex website. They just need to be granted access to the project with contributor access to the folder in question in order to upload via email.

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