Add A Group & Set Default Permissions

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In order to access a Firmex project and its documents, a project Administrator must first set up and permission a group, and then invite or move users to that group. Once users are invited, they may access the project and its documents. 

The steps are described in detail, below.

Creating a group and setting its options

  1. In Firmex, click Groups & Users.
  2. On the left side of the Groups & Users page, click All Groups.
  3. Click Add New Group.

Step 1 - Group Info

  1. Enter the group’s name in the Name field.
  2. Enter an optional group description in the Description field.
  3. To continue to step 2, click Next.

Step 2 - Group Permissions

Note: When a new project is created, the Administrator and Support groups have bulk download enabled by default.

  1. Select the group’s Project Role from the Project Role pull-down.
  2. Select the group’s Default Content Role from the Default Content Role pull-down (learn more).
  3. Select the group’s Default Document Protection options (learn more) using the Default Document Protection checkboxes. You may:
  • Disable Save
  • Disable Print
  • Enforce Watermark
  • Lock To Computer
  • Expire Access
  • To continue to step 3, click Next.
  • Step 3 - Group Index Permissions (optional)

    Note: This step will only appear when your project contains a directory. If a directory doesn’t yet exist, this step will not appear.

    You may override the group’s Default Content Role for none, some, or all of the directories in your project. To override the group’s Default Content Role for a directory, select a New Content Role from the New Content Role pull-down.

    Step 4 - Review

    Review the group’s settings, go back to a step if modification needed, and click Finish.

    Modifying group settings

    1. In Firmex, click Groups & Users.
    2. On the left side of the Groups & Users page, click All Groups.
    3. To change a group’s name or description, on the right-side of the Groups & Users page, hover your mouse over a group’s name or description and click the pencil icon. Enter a new name or description.
    4. To change a group’s settings, select a new setting from the Project Role, Default Content Role, and Default Protection pull-downs.

    Adding users to a group

    1. In Firmex, click Groups & Users.
    2. On the left side of the Groups & Users page, click the group name to which you would like to add users.
    3. Click Add Users.

    Step 1 - Select Users

    In this step, select the users to add to the group. You may select from existing site users, create new users, or import users via spreadsheet.

      1. To select existing users
        1. Type in the user’s first or last name in the Search for Users and Companies field. The grid will update with users matching the results.
        2. Select the users you want to add using the checkboxes and click the blue arrow to add the users to the group. Alternatively, you may drag-and-drop users to the grid on the right side of the screen.

      2. To create new users
        1. Click Create New.
        2. Enter the required information and click the blue arrow to add the user to the group.

      3. To import users
        1. Click Import.
        2. Click Download Template to download the user import template.
        3. Fill out and save the template, as instructed in the Instructions sheet.
          Note: Columns with an Asterisk (*) are required fields
        4. When the spreadsheet is filled out, Browse to it, and once it is selected, click the blue arrow to import the users to the group.


    Step 2 - Set Notifications

    In this step, set the user’s email notification frequency. Users will be notified when new documents are uploaded at the frequency you select. Users may adjust their own email notification frequency once they are logged in. Then, select whether the user should be granted access now, or later, and whether the user should receive an invitation to the project now, or later.

    • To set a user’s email notification frequency
      Select the new document notification frequency using one of the radio buttons, and if applicable, select a time of day using the pull-down (e.g. Daily emails at 9:00AM Eastern is the default).

      Note: Be careful of selecting a frequency of Immediate, as one email per uploaded document will be sent to each user. Each of the other frequencies will send a summary email containing a maximum of 100 documents listed per email. Only one digest email will be sent, with a link to 'View all new documents'.

    • To grant access or invite a user
      Select whether to Grant Access, Send Invite, or both, using the checkboxes. If you select Send Invite, after the last step you will have the option to customize and send the invitation to the selected users. If you choose not to select Send Invite, you may invite the users later.

    Step 3 - Review

    Review the user’s settings, go back to a step if modification is needed, and click Submit to complete.

    Customize invitation and send email

    If you have chosen to invite the users now, you may customize your invitation email. By default, the email contains the user’s username and password, as well as a link to the project.
    Note: If you are inviting multiple users, the users will not see each other in the invitation email.

    To grant access and send an invitation email at a later time

    Note: Sending users an invitation to a project will - at the same time - grant access to the invited users.

    1. In Firmex, click Groups & Users.
    2. On the left side of the Groups & Users page, click the group name containing the users you want to invite. Alternatively, click All Users and find the users you want to invite.
    3. Click the envelope icon next to the user you want to invite. Alternatively, to invite more than one user at a time, select the users you want to invite using the checkboxes and click Manage Users > Send Invitations.


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