Default Content Role defines the default behaviour of documents and folders towards a group. The default is applied to every user in the group, but may be overridden on a per-directory or per-folder basis.

For additional information on permissions, see the Permission Guide.

  • No Access
    The group cannot see or access any documents or folders. No Access is typically used in a restrictive project, where information is hidden by default, and revealed folder-by-folder.

  • View Name Only 
    The group can see folder and document names, but not access them. View Name Only is typically used as a teaser to reveal document names, but not document content.

  • Viewer
    The group can see and access documents, as determined by Document Protection options. Viewer is the most popular Default Content Role, typically given to groups reviewing documents.

  • Contributor
    The group can upload and move documents, but not delete or hide them. Contributor is typically given to external groups that are responsible for uploading documents to a project. Note that this group can also add sub-folders and edit details of the content.

  • Manager
    The group has the same ability as the Contributor, except documents may be deleted. Manager is typically given to internal team members that are responsible for uploading documents to a project.

  • Administrator
    The group has the same ability as the Manager, except folders may be hidden, even from other Administrators. Administrator is typically given to internal team members who may be structuring the project. 

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