(Groups) Migrated projects explained

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Note: This article reflects the Groups functionality released in January 2016

What are migrated projects?

Migrated projects are projects on your Firmex site that were created before your migration date to groups.

Before your migration date, users were grouped by company, and a user's association to a company was static. Below is an example of an existing Firmex project, pre-migration:

After your migration date, those same projects now support group-based permissions instead of company-based permissions. The screenshot below is the same project in the screenshot above, except after migration has happened. Your site may contain both migrated projects and new projects. Each behaves slightly differently in order to support the full functionality of groups, and to support the existing permissions assigned to users.

Is my project new or migrated?

All projects created prior to your site's migration date are migrated projects. If you are not sure, you can check if your project is new or migrated: 

  1. In Firmex, click Groups & Users.
  2. On the left side of the Groups & Users page, click All Groups

If you see the Name and Description columns only, then your project is migrated, since default permission is not set at the group level.

If you see permission-related columns, such as Project Role, Default Content Role, and Default Protection, then your project is new.

How do permissions work on migrated projects?

Content permissions

Your existing content permissions for companies and users (including folders and documents) were preserved as part of the migration - companies and their permissions are now groups on a one-to-one basis. Individual user permissions remain in place, continue to be maintained, and have not changed.

Default permissions

Migrated projects will continue to support default permissions at the user level. You’ll notice that when you add a group, you can just assign that group a name - not a default permission. You’ll get the full benefit of groups when you add a new project.

The two screenshots below show the difference between adding a new group in a migrated project (figure 1) and adding a new group in a new project (figure 2). 

Figure 1 (below). Adding a group in a migrated project.

Figure 2 (below). Adding a group in a new project.

What are the advantages of groups in a migrated project?

Users maintain their user-level default permissions, but you now have the ability to group users together, regardless of company. While you cannot set a default content role for a group in a migrated project, you can move users between groups, which gives you flexibility when working with users.

How are migrated projects supported?

In a migrated project, you may:

  1. Set Permission By Group and By User at the folder level.
  2. Set Permission By Group and By User at the document level.
  3. Continue to set default permission at the user level.

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