Cannot add, move, or re-activate a user due to conflict in project and content roles

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In a migrated project, when trying to add, move, or re-activate a user, you receive the following message:

Users with a Project Role of Member cannot be added to a Group with Content Role of Administrator on any content.


Firmex is preventing you from adding, moving, or re-activating a user with a project role of Member to a group that has a folder Content Role of Administrator set on it. Allowing this operation would result in a security conflict. This conflict would occur when permission has been set at the folder level, by group, to Administrator, and the user you are trying to add, move, or re-activate has a project role of Member.


If you encounter this message, do one of the following:

  1. Move the user to another group.
  2. Change the user's Project Role from Member to a higher Project Role (e.g. Manager).
  3. Change the folder-level permission from being "By Group" to "By User". To find the folder, run the Reports > User Access > By Folder report for the target group.


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