What is the Document Exchange for Desktop?

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Available for Microsoft Windows, the Document Exchange for Desktop offers users an alternative way to upload and download large quantities of folders and documents to the data room.

Features include:

  • Supports uploads and downloads larger than 20GB
  • Ability to pause and resume an upload or download at anytime
  • No need for a HTML5 compliant web browser 
  • Upload and download from your desktop

The tool is available for all users and comes as an executable file downloadable from the data room’s Tools area. If you do not see the Tools icon, simply type 'desktoptool' at the end of the web address (ie. example.firmex.com/desktoptool).

At this time, the Document Exchange for Desktop is not available to users logged in using Single Sign On (SSO). It remains available to all other users. SSO support for the tool will be added in a future release.

Once installed, launch the application, log in, pick your project, then select the folders and documents you wish to upload, and drag-and-drop them onto the Document Exchange window. When the upload is complete the files will automatically display in the Firmex Data Room. Alternatively, to download files, open the Document Exchange, select the folder(s) you wish to download and click Download.


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